Monday, 30 June 2014

2014-06-30 - Craig - Skill/strength - Floor press, Push-ups

Floor Press
5 x 5
1 max Set Push-ups

Floor Press
5 x 20kg

? Push-ups

  1. Floor press
    • The video is pretty bad.
      Things that were wrong, aside from doing 10 reps for the first set.
    • Actually mainly bring my left elbow in way too much. Right looks more Ok, although that could be the camera angle.
    • Maybe grip width is a bit wide.
      Not sure if I should narrow my grip or get my elbows under my hands.
    • Very wobbly bar path. Partly because it's light and I can get away with wobbling. Mostly 'cause I really suck at these.
  2. Push-ups
    • Oh jeeze.
    • Just need to keep working on them.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

2014-06-26 - Craig - Skill/strength - Dumbbell front squats, Air squats

Dumbbell front squat
2 x 10
30 Air squats

Dumbbell front squat
2 x 10 x 12kg to 20" box
30 Air squats to 20" box

  1. FS
    • Quite happy with those.
      I wish I could be more consistent, and stop wriggling my feet so much but that's just me I guess.
    • I was able to stand up straighter and didn't feel it in my shoulders this time. Pretty horrendous curvature in my spine. Again, normal, but yuck to see.
    • OK to use a lower box next time?
      18" perhaps?
  2. Air squat
    • Again, not consistent, but much improved.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

2014-06-25 - Craig - Metcon - Deadlifts, Ring Rows - Pull-aparts, Push-ups

5 Rds
5 Deadlifts
5 Ring rows

Then 3x
10 Bandy pull aparts
7 Push ups

5 Rds
5 x 40kg Sumo Deadlifts
5 Ring rows

Then 3x
10 Bandy pull aparts - little purple band
7 Push ups

  1. Deadlifts
    • They're still inconsistent but OK.
  2. Ring rows
    • Not having much success keeping my rib cage locked down as I pull.
    • That last bit of range is a pain to get. There's a trick to it that I'm missing.
  3. Pull-aparts
    • Interesting to see what I'm doing vs what I think I'm doing.
    • Still a difference between left and right.
  4. Push-ups
    • Gaaahhhh.

  • Not exactly a stellar performance.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Friday, 20 June 2014

2014-06-20 - Craig - Skill/Strength - Stiff leg deadlifts

Straight Leg Deadlift
2 x 10

Straight Leg Deadlift
2 x 10 x 22.5kg

  • Threw caution to the wind and ramped the weight. I know, reckless, but sometimes you have to push the envelope.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

2014-06-19 - Craig - Pull-ups, Push-ups, Box air squats

8 Rds
3 pull ups
5 press ups
7 squats to a box
Rest 1:00 between rounds

Recycled an old one.

Last time

8 Rounds
3 Pull ups
5 Push ups
7 Air squats to a 16" box
Rest 1:00 between rounds

  1. Pull-ups
    • Still not happy with that shoulder position.
    • The later rounds were a little better.
  2. Push-ups
    • Just hard and not as tight as they should be.
  3. Squats
    • There are some that are very acceptable.

  • Despite grizzles, there is progress. On the squats at least.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

2014-06-18 - Craig - Skill/Strength - Front Squats

Front squat to box set just below Parallel
3 x 7
AMAP @60%

Front squat to 17" box
3 x 7 x 20kg
AMAP x 20kg.

  • Not as prescribed, a little over an inch above parallel I think, but closer.
  • The result was not as tidy as with a 20" box, but the reasons weren't due entirely to the depth.
  • I didn't keep my stomach tight and butt lost tension often.
  • Some reps were good and I'm very happy with those.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

2014-06-17 - Craig - Sumo Deadlift, Hang power clean, Press

AMRAP in 3:00
5 Deadlifts (technically correct throughout)
5 Hang power cleans
5 Push presses
Rest 2:00
Repeat 2x

Recycled an old one.

5 x 20kg Deadlifts
5 x 20kg Hang power cleans
5 x 20kg Presses
Rest 2:00
Repeat 2x
  1. Deadlifts
    • Feeling more comfortable
  2. HPC
    • I have no idea what these look like. IT was mostly a case of "do something that remotely resembles the movement" and hope it wasn't to far off.
  3. Press
    • Getting better. Guess I need practise.
  • Slow as, but whatever.

Monday, 16 June 2014

2014-06-16 - Craig - Skill/Strength - Press

Shoulder press
1 set of 5
AMAP at 70%

Shoulder press
5 x 5 x 20kg
15 x 20kg

  • Missed videoing the first set.
  • Honestly don't know how I feel about those. There might be some improvement in shoulder position?
    Probably not as my elbows were way wide.

Friday, 13 June 2014

2014-06-13 - Craig - Skill/strength - Max Pull-ups

3 x max

3 x max - green band

  • What's with my left shoulder? I thought it was my right that wasn't rotating correctly.
  • The right is, but it's the one that hurts. Confusing.
  • Still not in line to set pull-up world records, but getting OKer. Yeah, it's a word.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

2014-06-12 - Craig - Dbbell Fr squats, Push-ups

DB front squat to a box
Press ups

Recycling an old one.

12kg Dumbbell front squats to 20" box
Push-ups on my knees.
  1. Squats
    • Shoulders got a bit tired. Tried to carry the weight on my shoulder blades (which doesn't make sense, but whatever) instead of using my delts and traps.
    • Sort of OK.
  2. Push-ups
    • Another one I was worried about repeating. I could see me doing something silly while trying to get "one more rep" and hurting myself.
    • That's why the knee push-ups. I decided to lower the load as far as I could and sacrifice the midline work to work on shoulder position.
    • It was very frustrating, but there were a lot of reps that saw my shoulders lined up fairly well. I just have to accept it will take time, back right off and work at it. But I don't have to like needing to do that damnit!
  • Better (push-ups) than I expected.
  • Shoulders haven't suffered as  a result and are not too badly rounded.
    Well, no worse than usual.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

2014-06-10 - Craig - Skill/strength - Deadlifts, Good mornings

Sumo Deadlift
3 x 7
Good mornings
2 x 5

Sumo Deadlift
3 x 7 x 40kg
Good mornings
2 x 5 x 20kg

  1. Sumo deadlift
    • I could not get my femurs to rotate out as afar as they did last time.
    • In the last set I pushed it hard and they did for a few reps.
    • From the video, things look OK, ish, so I guess I'll take it.
  2. Good mornings
    • Hips got better as I worked through these.
    • Even if you switch me off sumo work, I'm sticking with these as warm-up/mobility work. Both exercises do wonders for my ability to get my hips tight.

Monday, 9 June 2014

2014-06-09 - Craig, Row, Hanging Leg rises, Sit-ups, Plank

500 M row or 400 M shamble
3 rounds
10 Hanging leg raises
10 sit ups
30 seconds accumulated in a plank
500 M row or 400 M shamble

Recycled an old one

I wanted to tape the hanging leg raises to see what my shoulders did. Forgot to start the camera again for the second round.

500 M row
3 rounds
10 Hanging leg raises
10 abmat frog sit ups
30 seconds plank
500 M row
  1. Rows
    • Technique was off and a bit slow.
  2. Hanging leg raises
    • I was quite worried about doing these.
    • Recently they've been very hard and I've powered the movement by closing  my shoulder, which exacerbated the rounding and just plain hurt.
    • The video shows my shoulder blades staying in a pretty good position throughout. Acceptable although I'd like to be able to keep them retracted a bit more as my torso tips back. If I could pull that off I'd know that I had that problem licked.
    • Reduced ROM because of having  to use the rafter, raining outside, but those were as good as any I've ever done.
    • And my shoulders didn't round too badly the next day. A little, as I said, scapular position needs work, but definite improvement.
  3. Sit-ups
    • Acceptable.
  4. Plank
    • Shoulders weren't locked in external rotation, but they are at least not rotating internally as badly as before.
  • That went much better than I was scared it would.
  • Those band pull-aparts are absolutely essential to getting my shoulders functioning correctly. Assuming you read this far Jeff, I can't thank you enough for getting me to revisit them and stating the bloody obvious things I should have gotten right the first time I used them.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

2014-06-05 - Craig - Skill/Strength - Dbell Front squats, Air Squats

Dumbbell front squat
2 x 10
30 Air squats

Dumbbell front squat
2 x 10 x 12kg to 20" box
30 Air squats to 20" box

  1. FS
    • Not as good as last time ( I seem to have my feet wider and that isn't working so well for me.
    • Or I've been sitting too much and the last time was just after laying down through illness so my hamstrings knew what they were supposed to be doing.
    • I felt it much more in my shoulders this time, I remember my back feeling tight and solid through them then. Not so much this time.
  2. Air squat
    • OK if you like that kind of thing.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

2014-06-03 - Craig - Skill/strength - Floor press, Push-ups

Floor Press
5 x 5
1 max Set Push-ups

No video today.
Got up late and sacrificed camera set-up to get something done.

Floor Press
5 x 20kg

7 Push-ups

  1. Floor press
    • Felt OK- ish.
    • Shoulders were packed fairly well, more work to do though,
  2. Push-ups
    • Shoulders rotated OK, but that was  about it. Just weak as .