Tuesday, 29 March 2011


3 x 80kg
20 x 60kg

Quite happy with that. I got home late, I've barely gotten out of my chair at all today and it was nice to simply move some weights.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Runny mainsite

10 x 20kg Front squat
3 x beginner rope climbs


1 3:25
2 3:10
3 3:10

That was cut back a bit far really.

Friday, 25 March 2011


10 x 20kg HPS
10 push-ups against a wall
10 x 20kg HPS
10 squats


1 2:45
2 3:02
3 3:18

Thursday, 24 March 2011


3 x 142.5kg
10 x 100kg

A nagging pain in my lower left side got significantly worse during these, however I made the reps.
A bit ugly in the rounded upper back department.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Variation on a theme

500m row - At least sub 2 minutes
10 push-ups with a doubled up band as an improvised slingshot
10 KTE


1 3:43?
2 4:01
3 4:04
4 4:10

I looked at my watch after the first round and found it on 11 something, I hadn't reset it after the last WOD.
Times above are best guesstimates

Thursday, 17 March 2011


1 x 142.5kg
10 x 100kg

Couldn't get any more at the 142.5kg tonight

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Chasing Keegan

10 Wallball 8 foot(ish) target
10 pull-ups


1 1:20
2 1:45
3 1:58
4 2:23

Walball were a breeze.
Pull-ups slowed me down. Grip was dodgy and the reps were jerky.

Got as bit to go to beat Keegan's 7 rounds in 4:10

Monday, 14 March 2011

Back squats

Decided to get back on Mr. Martin's programme as things are a bit busy, ie just squats no metcon and make sure I get my squats and deadlifts each week.

So 3 x 90kg
15 x 60kg

Pretty happy with that.
My butt has been absolutely ground down sitting on a chair and in the car lately and my hamstrings and sciatic nerve have been screaming at me. This was very much needed and I feel enormously better for it.

The lack of engagement of my posterior chain shows, no surprise. Hopefully I can get rid of some of that forward pitch.

Friday, 11 March 2011


15 x 20kg OHS
Run 200m (can't call it a sprint).
Stop clock
Walk back.

1 2:51
2 2:46
3 2:48

Deadlifts and Diane variant

3 x 140kg
10 x 100kg

Upper back was very rounded. Busy at work and way too little back clicking.

60kg deadlift
12 kg dumbbell press


Monday, 7 March 2011

Runny Cindy

2 Rounds of
5 pull-ups
10 x 25kg AWOH
15 squats


Running wasn't so hot, need my pace-makers.
Pull-ups OK.
Presses OK.
Air squats were a bit hit and miss. Couldn't lock in the groove.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Back squats and CF Housewives

Pulled the pin when the second attempt at an 80kg warm-up wasn't any better than the first.
Decided I was paying the price for shirking the high rep set lately and that it is a necessity (for me at least) to practice the movement and keep my hamstrings activated after days of pancaking them (to use Kelly's term) at the office.
By the end of the 12 gad-awful uncomfortable reps I did my groove was coming back, hamstrings firing, but was on and the video shows it. So either high reps after the top set or back squats in the WOD following. I need them. I'm too far behind to not do them. Jeff might actually have known what he was doing when he prescribed them.

Did a quick scaled version of my beloved "CF Housewives"
9 x 20kg OHS
9 pull-ups, - Green band assist.


After the first couple of rounds I was astonished that my shoulders felt so good on the OHS and that overall they were motoring along nicely. Got out the camera and shot the last few rounds. I apparently did an extra round somehow, but who cares.
The reps were good. I plummet to the bottom a bit and most frustratingly, I start with my shoulders nicely externally rotated and then roll them over as I descend. Dumbass.

Used a band on the pull-ups because the real estate agent was coming over to take photos of the house and I was running out of time before she arrived.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Brendan - with assistance

10 x 60kg deadlifts
15 push-ups - home-made slingshot assistance


1 1:27
2 1:40
3 1:50
4 1:21 I think I missed a few deadlifts there. #10 came rather quickly.
5 1:40
6 1:42
7 1:40
8 2:06
9 1:44
10 1:45

Deadlifts were on the money for load. Not sure my form was so good, my back was definitely soft in the latter rounds.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Ticking the box

3 I think RNFT
5 x 30kg hang power snatch
5 x 30kg front squat

The power snatches were messy and got better
The FS were a surprise, quite easy. Alright, they should be with that weight, but FS are normally a crappy awkward movement for me with any weight.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Mucking about

9 x 20kg thrusters
9 pull-ups


Interrupted by the landlord ringing to tell us the asking price for the house we're living in which is going on the market.
A bit stressed about almost certainly having to move.

Thrusters popped up a few times, ground others, mostly just slow and steady.
Pull-ups got better and then lost it a bit at thee end. All sets broken, which is cool for now. I don't think I broke, tore or damaged anything this time.

Back Squats

2 x 92.5kg
10 x 60kg.

The solid feeling I had last week was gone, knees caving in. I got it back a little and it's definitely about keeping my hamstrings engaged. When that stops the knees dive in and I grind up on my quads.
Knees out sit aback and put my weight behind me, don't focus on what I can see or I go face first into the squat.
If I can hang onto that I'm good and the weight will go up.