Tuesday, 30 September 2008



20x80kg - Which was a lot harder than I expected it to be!

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Crossfit NZ and CF Strength Bias

We did
30 x pushups
400m run
30 x kb swings
30 x medball cleans
30 x pull-ups

As a partner workout.

I'm sure my partner was introudced as Kellie and I referred to her as that all through, but apprently it was Karen. That's really embarressing, sorry Karen.

We split things down the middle.

I used 24kg KB, 8kg med ball and full pull-ups.
Karen used a 8kg KB, push-ups on her knees, 4kg med. ball, jumping pull-ups.

We got through 2 rounds and Karen did one her 200m. I felt bad and wondered if I should have done a 200 to even things out.

I really must go more often. They have a real pull-up bar, a C2, kettlebells, and most impoirtantly, competition/inspiration from other Crossfitters. At the moment I'm stronger or more proficient than most of the clients at most of the exercises (except running, sigh!) but that won't last if I don't get my lazy arse moving. There's a little lady there, Lou who was partnered with my friend Dez from work. She was trying for muscle-ups when I got there and doing weighted pull-ups after class. She's shaping up to be extremely impressive.

But I'll always be taller than her. What a pathetic attribute to have to fall back on!

After that I did my programming from Jeff's Crossfit Strength Bias. I was supposed to have done it before the metcon but, well, I got up too late. No excuse, just laziness.

5 x 35kg Press
5 x 37.5kg Press
5 x 40kg Press

10-7-4 x 30kg Press.

Hopefully that was interpreting the instructions correctly

Friday, 26 September 2008

Front Squats and sprints

Front Squats
5 x 45kg
5 x 50kg
5 x 55kg

10 x 100m "sprints"
I didn't time them, but they actually felt pretty fast, relatively.
They get you surprisingly pooped though.

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Dbell thrusters, lunges and pull-ups - Brand X workout

Buy in:
3 rounds 1:00 Double unders
30 second handstand hold

Using a single dumbbell do AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
5 x 12kg Dumbbell thrusters
5 x12kg Overhead lunges
10 Pull ups

I decided this learning to do one armed dbell thrusters and lunges was not the time to be testing my strength. The lunges were the hardest, very wobbly.

Cash out Lever progressions

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

"Silver care" - Brand X workout, Mikki's Birthday WOD

Buy in:
Max hollow rocks

More like semi-hollow bumping situps and leg raises

“Silver Care”
5 rounds
Bear crawls 2 x 15m
Max squats in 46 sec.
Max push ups in 46sec.

Round Squats Push-ups
1             21        16
2             20       16
3             19        14
4             25        13
5             21        15

I wrote 25 for round 4 and then thought, “nah, must have lost count and only did 15”. Then I got 21 on the last round and I was going slower there than I had the previous round. There’s a groove I sometimes hit when I air squat where I can bounce them out like nobody’s business (and using my glutes and hamstrings this time, yay!), but finding it is a hit and miss (mostly miss) affair. While it’s frustrating I know it’s there someplace so I’ll keep looking for it.

Cash out:
1:30 L-sits

90 seconds of horrible.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Mikki.
A shame a nice lady like you gets a horrible workout like that for your birthday. I blame that midget you married. ;-)

Sunday, 21 September 2008


Buy in
30 x PVC Sotts presses

Started with 20kg, but couldn't keep my balance

21 x 24kg dbell swings
12 pull-ups

15:55; 4:39, 5:18, 6:01

The runs were the worst.
Swings weren't too hot this time either for some reason. I guess my legs were a bit tired after yesterday's front squats?

Broad jumps
4 x 18m (path down the back of the house)
Took 10 jumps per trip, 9 and a hop at best

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Conga line - Brand X workout

3 x 60kg Front Squat
9 Ring dips
3 x 62.5kg Front Squat PB
10 Ring dips
3 x 65kg Front Squat PB
9 Ring dips
3 x 67.5 kg Front Squat PB
8 Ring dips
1 x 70kg Front Squat
8 Ring dips

I could have got another 2 with 70kg, but it was a very ugly single. 67.5 was not pretty, but I was willing to accept it, just. I thought that if I focussed enough I might be able to pull of 70 and either I didn't focus hard enough or it just wasn't to be.

I'm still reaching a point just about or below parallel where I lose the feeling of tightness in my posterior chain. Based on my OHS when Jeff was coaching me, that's where my hips tuck under. It's weird, like my connection with the muscles I want to drive the movement just disappears.

Oh and dips just suck like always.

Saturday, 13 September 2008


HSPU progression - feet on a 20" box
Ring dips


This was the only hero workout I could do indoors, it's raining again here.

HSPU are getting easier, I need to decrease the assistance a bit.
Ring dips likewise, but still hard.

Push-ups after the other two are a disaster as always.

My least favorite hero workout, but the one I need the most.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Attack of the mini-Cindys - Brand X Workout

Buy in:
2 minutes double unders
200M run
2 minutes double unders

Got a couple of consecutive double-unders
I think I might be getting closer to the pose running style? I remembered to lean a lot as in the CF Newport beach videos and that seemed to make things work a little better.

5 minute Cindy-5 pull-ups,10 push ups and 15 squats
rest 3 minutes and repeat 3 times.

First round : 3 and 5 squats
Next round: 3
3rd round : 2 and 8 push ups

Push-ups sucked. Just sucked.
I took the squats slowly still trying to feel the hamstrings engaging. Except in the second round when I could see the 5 min mark looming with 15 seconds to go so I abandoned technique, apologised to my knees and knocked them out the fastest I could. Where's the ice bag.

Cash out
5 broad jumps

I did 10 because I need the practise. I do them like a little old man, barely any forward lean and only travel about 2 feet per hop.

Tonight was not my finest hour in Crossfit.

Friday, 5 September 2008

Deadlifts - Brand X workout

Buy In:
3 rounds
5 Handstand Attempts against the wall (as in, kicking up to the wall, then trying to find the balance point, ie toppling over slowly)
10 KTE

5 x 100kg
5 x 102.5kg
5 x 102.5kg

Supposed to be sprints but I had dinner cooking and no-one else was home, so carried the bar up and down the length of the driveway a few times to work on that sprained back/side

Thursday, 4 September 2008


40 rounds
3 Pull ups
4 Push ups
5 Squats

20 minute cap

26 rounds

Did these at work using a section of pipe about 7 feet off the ground for the pull-ups. Keeping my knees clear of the ground made the pull-ups a real bottle neck

My hat is off to the very few who made it through all 40 rounds.

Happy Birthday Tony.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

CrossFit NZ

Hey we got a mention on the site for our visit!
Yes, it's taken me this long to get back and check the site out, how embarrassing!

That's us in the back, still going after everyone else had finished. :-)

And yes Laura, I'm wearing my historic red and black Beefit pants.

Thanks for the mention Tamaryn and Darren, you two have a great operation building there.