Saturday, 20 September 2008

Conga line - Brand X workout

3 x 60kg Front Squat
9 Ring dips
3 x 62.5kg Front Squat PB
10 Ring dips
3 x 65kg Front Squat PB
9 Ring dips
3 x 67.5 kg Front Squat PB
8 Ring dips
1 x 70kg Front Squat
8 Ring dips

I could have got another 2 with 70kg, but it was a very ugly single. 67.5 was not pretty, but I was willing to accept it, just. I thought that if I focussed enough I might be able to pull of 70 and either I didn't focus hard enough or it just wasn't to be.

I'm still reaching a point just about or below parallel where I lose the feeling of tightness in my posterior chain. Based on my OHS when Jeff was coaching me, that's where my hips tuck under. It's weird, like my connection with the muscles I want to drive the movement just disappears.

Oh and dips just suck like always.

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