Monday, 25 February 2013

's gonna hurt tomorrow

20 free standing leg swings - front and back, side
Butt kicks
20 squats
Arm swings
40 odd dowel HPS
Band pull-apart external rotator series
Band dislocates

5 x 20kg Bear complex
40kg backwards tyre drag, single ring

Friday, 22 February 2013

Easy end to the week

20 free standing leg swings - front and back, side
Arm swings
T-spine roller work
Couch stretch
30 Frog abmat sit-ups
20 each leg x Step -ups - 12" box
40 odd dowel HPS
Band pull-apart external rotator series

Row 1000m
10 Push-ups - slingshot
10 x 10kg dumbbell hang muscle snatch - more like a poliquin press
Row 1000m

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Gentle as

10 x 65kg deadlifts
5 x 15kg "thrusters" - without much thrust

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

That was harder than I expected

20 free standing leg swings - front and back, side
30 air squats
Couch stretch
T-spine roller work
40 odd dowel HPS

15 x 60kg deadlift
5 Push-ups - slingshot

10kg plate OH carry - length of driveway and back

Deadlifts were the hard bit. Should have gone with lower reps to set the better hip position I've been getting lately. It feels all jammed up again now.

Monday, 11 February 2013

That was easier than it was supposed to be

20 free standing leg swings - front and back, side
30 air squats
Couch stretch
T-spine roller work
40 odd dowel HPS

12 x 20kg Russian T-handle  swings
12 air squats
12 frog abmat sit-ups

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Another go at deadlifts

20 free standing leg swings - front and back, side
30 air squats
30 cossack squats
30 frog abmat sit-ups
Couch stretch
40 odd dowel HPS
Band shoulder stretch

12 x 60kg deadlifts
12 x 5 kg dumbbell press

Yoke sandbag carry around the house

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Monday, 4 February 2013

Called due to rain

Leg swings
30 air squats
30 cossack squats
30 frog abmat sit-ups
40+ dowel HPS
4 x 10 x 5kg single arm dbell press

12 x 60kg deadlift
Yoke sandbag carry -path around back of house and back
12 x 60kg deadlift

Rain started back up during the first deadlifts.
Sandbag carry worked well, that's getting another go. Left hip is definitely tight when walk under load, it didn't rotate smoothly at al.

Forgot the hip flexor stretch. It might go better with that in the warm-up.

Friday, 1 February 2013

20 air squats
15 x 20kg hang power snatches
5 x 20kg press

HPS were good but my right shoulder didn't get under the bar. Chest is tight from the push-ups I think. I should have stretched more. Picking I'll pay the price for that over the next week or 3.