Thursday, 28 June 2007

Thrusters and Pull ups

Thrusters and Pull ups
Pack - sort-of:
Three rounds for time of:
45 pound Thruster, 35 reps
20 Pull-ups - Jumping, dagnabit


Still reeling the video to disk, but so far there isn't much thrust in the thrusters and there's a lot of rests in there. I do seem to be getting decent depth in the squats, so maybe I was a little hard on myself during the 1rm front-squats and the poor form was because I was close to my max. Still need to tidy that up, but there is hope for me I'd say.

Shoulders felt very dead for some reason and the only thing I can attribute it to is having to brace the weight for front squats, which probably took the snap out of the squats too.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Front Squat

Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps


Got the video camera out while I was resting after the first 55kg and what I saw was the reason I stayed there. High or barely legal, butt coming back as I come out of the hole and knees drifting in. Overall not very tight through the butt and hamstrings. Sad
And, as I power cleaned I pulled massively early.
On the good side I kept the arch in my back and elbows stayed up which used to be a problem, so not all bad. Confused
Don't think I'll move up much more than that until I've had a few good higher rep "front squatty" WODS to tie the hip and thigh movement together more solidly.
Never thought I'd say this, but bring on the wall ball and thrusters! Just not in the same WOD, please.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Push press

Push press
Subbed dumbbells for barbell because, well, I don't have a barbell.
Haven't done push presses in umm, well, Connor was probably still in nappies.

5 x 6kg dumbbells, way too easy
5 x 12 kg dumbbells
5 x 12 kg dumbbells
5 x 12 kg dumbbells
5 x 12 kg dumbbells

Still pretty easy, but my twingy shoulders didn't feel solid and I want to train again tomorrow, not spend the next few weeks getting over yet another messed up shoulder.

I am so getting a bar so I can do these (and deadlifts and thrusters and cleans and front squats and OH squats and, and, and.........) properly.

Friday, 22 June 2007


Pike press - feet elevated
Ring dips - 4 reps of the first round full, the rest jumping
Push ups


Well that was yuck.

If the WOD I did yesterday played to my strengths, the only one of my weaknesses this didn't hit was running. And pull-ups. And OH squats. And.... , oh what the heck, it hit a lot of my weak points and lets leave it at that.
Skinny little arms and shoulders let me down, darn close to literally on those last pike presses.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Don't expect too much

The whole thing will probably fizzle , or I may take the time to make it work. Time will tell.

Deadlift/Hang Clean/Front Squat/Push Jerk

DL/HClean/FSQ/Push Jerk
Puppies scaling
20kg Deadlift
20kg Hang Clean
20kg Front squat
20kg Push jerk


Finished in 11:03, then realised it said Hang cleans, not hanging power cleans, so went back and did 15-12-9-6-3 of Hang squat cleans. Rolling Eyes

Feel a little guilty that I didn't go heavier. I do the first round of this as a warm-up to improve exactly these lifts. I thought the metcon would get me with the extra sets, but I made it through this time.

My quads are cramping and my knees are iced, but I'm doing at least Pack on this one next time.
Stuffed but pleased.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Pull up ladder

Pull up ladder

10 Rounds
Rounds 1 -5 dead-hangs
Rounds 6-10 jumping

Press-ups in 10 minutes (because someone told me to)

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Front Squat

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
No racks and a morbid fear of back squats after prolapsing a disk under 100kg.

3 x 40kg
3 x 40kg
3 x 40kg
3 x 40kg
3 x 42.5kg
3 x 45kg
3 x 45kg

A couple of the early sets were scary when I lost focus. Got my head straight after a bit and finally moved up, a little anyway. Happy with this one. Smile

Friday, 8 June 2007

Run, thrusters

Run 400m
30 thrusters 20kg
Row 2 mins, hopefully 400M
30 x 20 kg thrusters
Run 400m
30 thrusters 20kg
Row 2 mins, hopefully 400M
30 x 20 kg thrusters


There was going to be a 5th round, but the needle hit "E".
First time with thrusters, definitely helps if you breathe as you do them. Embarassed
Mixed runs and rows to limit damage to the knees. Iced them straight after and the foam roller and I have a date this afternoon. But, no heat, no grating, so I'd say I'm firmly on the mend. Big thank-you email sent to Shari Keener and Eva T. for posting about foam rollers for soft tissue (ITB) work on Shari's blog. I definitely second Gimpy's post about the value of this very simple method of self repair. It hurts a lot to do, but my goodness it is worth it.
Now that I can run, time to work on getting better at it. That second 400m was more of a fast shuffle.
"Mummy, look at that old palagi guy out on the footpath. Oh, isn't that cute dear, he's trying to go for a run"


Deadlifts 45kg


Deadlifts still a little less than solid. Legs tired after thrusters.
HSPU hardly worth the name. Very small range of motion. Shoulders tired after thrusters.

Thrusters are a hard act to follow.

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Pull-ups, push-ups, situps, squats

20 pull-ups
or 25 beginner pull-ups
or 30 jumping pull-ups
20 push-ups
20 situps
50 squats


Tuesday, 5 June 2007


1 x 20kg
1 x 20kg
1 x 20kg
1 x 20kg
1 x 20kg
1 x 20kg
1 x 20kg