AMRAP in 6
5 Press (rt arm) use single light dumbbell or KB
5 Goblet squats to box
5 Press (lt arm) use single light dumbbell or KB
5 Goblet squats to box
On press work core to extremity. Most people focus on opening the elbow. I would like you to focus on shoulder activating with elbow follow through to completion.
Technical failure sorry Jeff, the memory card in my camera died, but I can assure you that the form and ROM were impeccable.
And if you believe that there's a bridge over Sydney harbour going cheap right now.
To make it worse, I totally lost count of the rounds.
"More than 4" is the best I can do. I remember hitting 3 and I got at least one more.
Shoulder positioning was OK, but I didn't entirely get the core to extremity movement you were after I think. My left arm has a tendency to fly out wide. I don't know that I'm supposed to have my elbows track facing forward the whole way, but I can't do that with my left arm if I am.
Squats were OK. Left hip a bit twingey. I used a 16"ish box, 12" plus a fat 20kg bumper