Thursday, 14 March 2013

Press, Push-ups, Lunges

Row 1000m
20 free standing leg swings - front and back side
40 odd good mornings
30 odd dowel HPS
5 x 5kg windmills

AMRAP 5:00
5 Shoulder Press
5 Push ups
10 Lunges (5 ea)
Rest 3:00

Repeat for a total of 2x

I was sure I knew what that meant before I started, but now I'm not sure. Hopefully it means go through it twice and not 3 times.

Yecch. I don't seem to be straightening my elbows completely
Interesting to watch. Need to move my hands down further.
Actually forgot to do them in one round. Really am brain fried.
Too much knee.
Hips drifting out of alignment. I might pay for that tomorrow.

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