Thursday, 24 September 2009

Well, maybe one more, sort of

3 pull-ups
6 push-ups
9 squats

And it's sort of a rehab. workout because I lost count of the rounds. About 8 and the pull-ups I think?
I always go into this thinking I'll remember the rounds. Why that is I have no idea because I never do.

Push-ups fell apart at round 5.
Squats hurt my left knee dammit. I should have got off my chair more today so I didn't seize up.

Actually pretty OK with this despite my grizzling. I didn't expect much and this was a little better than I thought I'd manage.

Christ I've got a long way to go!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Last rehab, I hope

Modified from a WOD Jon posted
21-15-9 NFT
60kg deadlifts
23.5" box jumps (20" box on the back porch)

I realised that the roof on the porch is high enough for me to stand on our 20" box and have room to jump off the box if I get to that. As the concrete around it slopes ridiculously (whoever poured the slab had no idea about levelling apparently) I can do everything from 23.5" up to about 27" at a guess.

Deadlifts were perhaps a bit easy, but still an exercise in setting my back. Way too much time in a chair means I have to consciously focus on that.
Box jumps were steady. All were jumped up and step down, my knees don't handle the jump back down yet. A few do-overs where I didn't plant my entire foot on the box and/or didn't stand all the way up.
TTB were the slowest part. Many do-overs where my toes didn't clear the bar/rafter. My legs were too bent, but I'll accept that for now, it's partly a consequence of have to bend my knees to start from the hang. When it isn't a struggle just to complete the exercise in any wild fashion I'll only accept reps where I push my knees out straight as tight hamstrings allow and then scoop the whole assembly up to the bar.

No skill work after, I got home late and it was my turn to cook so I needed to get on to dinner. As it was I struggled to avoid dripping on the food I was preparing.

Then made a post on Facebook that was supposed to be funny but came out nasty. Not being able to edit FB comments is frustrating, but I really should know better than to try and make jokes when I've rushed home and am post-WOD.

Experiment in GD style Metcon

200m? - Need to re-measure
15 x 40kg SDHP
5 x 40kg Press

Reached a little with my left foot again and my hamstring told me that was not sensible, for the most part I landed Pose style.
SDHP are no longer fun. I used to flick up 40kg easy as anything. I've lost my flick.
Presses were exactly where I wanted them to be. Sodding hard but solidly doable.

As my first foray into GD style metcons with a heavy lift that was OK. I'll be able to do better when I can trust myself to use the explosive lifts.

I need a scratchboard to copy WODs I see others doing that I want to try. Have to think about how best to do that

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Biltong batch whatever

Not an enormous success, but not the disaster I thought it would be when I tested a piece partway through the drying process.

As I had discovered in the last batch that most of the flavour was from the vinegar, I left out the Worcester sauce and brown sugar altogether. This was also in an attempt to reduce the carb content.

I used:
Cheapest casserole steak, not even topside
Non-iodised salt
White pepper
Wine vinegar
Then after the marinade
Cracked black pepper

My test piece was totally foul with an extremely strong vinegar flavour and I thought I'd ruined the batch. As it dried further the flavour mellowed and while not pleasant, the final product is at least edible.

It definitely needs the sweetness of the sugar and/or Worcester sauce to cut the vinegar's taste.
Now which one to tinker with next time?

The cut of meat was just too fatty too. A small puddle of fat actually dripped into the base of the dehydrator. Cost-cutting is good, but that was taking it just too far. Topside by choice I think.

Friday, 18 September 2009


Jeff says the week isn't finished until you've done your deadlifts and they do make a nice "it's Friday and I'm tired" end to the week.

5 x 75kg
5 x 77.5kg
5 x 80kg

20 x 62.5kg

Either it was easier to set my back or I couldn't feel being out of position. I hope the former, but know it was the latter.
The video camera is definitley coming out when I get past these rehab workouts.
Only a couple more and then "for time" starts making an appearance again

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Deconstructed Fran

21-15-9 NFT
20kg Front squats
20kg Presses
Body rows

My god that was hard!
Talk about embarrassing!

And you know there's something wrong when the presses are (marginally) easier than the front squats.

Friday, 11 September 2009


Boy is it hard to set your back right!

5 x 70kg
5 x 72.5kg
5 x 75kg
5 x 77.5kg
Hey, I can't count! That was supposed to be 3 x 5. Ah no matter

20 x 60kg

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Somewhat less than 5 rounds

10 TTB
15 kneeling muscle-up progressions
20 x 20" box jumps

I originally had this as 5 rounds, but my plodding pace meant it wasn't to be.

No step-ups on the box jumps. Jumped up, stepped down, trying to get as much height as possible on the jump so that I landed with legs as straight as possible.

5 frog stand attempts using the technique Ido outlines.

Looks like life may be kicking my arse a bit sooner than I thought.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Snatch grip deadlifts and skipping

A re-match with the deadlifts that gave me a ferociously bad headache and cramping traps just before I went down with a cold again. I figured anything that made me hurt that badly must have been working a weak point so I'm going to do it again and again until it doesn't hurt any more.

10 x 40kg snatch grip deadlifts
50 SUs

I used 60kg the last time I tried these. This time I took it easier because while I want to eliminate the weakness they highlight, I want to be able to function tomorrow. As it is my neck is tightening up already.

Partway thorough the first round of skipping it occurred to me that box jumps would have been a much better choice. No matter, I'll use them another time.

5 headstands from support up to the wall and into a hollow and slowly back down, hanging onto the hollow on subsequent reps as much as possible. Got to learn to get that thoracic hinging under control.

First little steps on the long road back. I hope I get a decent way along it before life boots my arse this time.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Biltong/Jerky batch, ...., not sure, a couple more than whatever I reported last time

Cracked it.

It turns out most of the biltong flavour is not the spices and salt etc, it's the vinegar in the marinade.

My last batch I just used Worcester sauce and no vinegar as the sauce has a fair bit of vinegar in it anyhow. The result was not at all the right flavour.

This time I went heavy on the vinegar, light to moderate with the Worcester sauce and about the same as usual with the salt and sugar and it has come out very close to the real thing. The differences now are probably in the spices and salt:sugar ratio.

I also dried it much more then usual. I find that the stuff rehydrates as it stands to some degree if it isn't very dry as it comes out of the dehydrator. I guess the moisture in the core soaks out to the dryer "skin".