Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Last rehab, I hope

Modified from a WOD Jon posted
21-15-9 NFT
60kg deadlifts
23.5" box jumps (20" box on the back porch)

I realised that the roof on the porch is high enough for me to stand on our 20" box and have room to jump off the box if I get to that. As the concrete around it slopes ridiculously (whoever poured the slab had no idea about levelling apparently) I can do everything from 23.5" up to about 27" at a guess.

Deadlifts were perhaps a bit easy, but still an exercise in setting my back. Way too much time in a chair means I have to consciously focus on that.
Box jumps were steady. All were jumped up and step down, my knees don't handle the jump back down yet. A few do-overs where I didn't plant my entire foot on the box and/or didn't stand all the way up.
TTB were the slowest part. Many do-overs where my toes didn't clear the bar/rafter. My legs were too bent, but I'll accept that for now, it's partly a consequence of have to bend my knees to start from the hang. When it isn't a struggle just to complete the exercise in any wild fashion I'll only accept reps where I push my knees out straight as tight hamstrings allow and then scoop the whole assembly up to the bar.

No skill work after, I got home late and it was my turn to cook so I needed to get on to dinner. As it was I struggled to avoid dripping on the food I was preparing.

Then made a post on Facebook that was supposed to be funny but came out nasty. Not being able to edit FB comments is frustrating, but I really should know better than to try and make jokes when I've rushed home and am post-WOD.

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