Monday, 21 October 2013

2013-10-21 - Craig - Pull-ups, Push-ups, Squats

8 Rds
3 pull ups
5 press ups
7 squats to a box
Rest 1:00 between rounds

9 Rounds
3 Pull ups
5 Push ups
7 Air squats to a 20" box
Rest 1:00 between rounds

  1. Pull-ups
    • Obviously a fail to do them without assistance.
    • Thought I might be able to pull it off.
    • Thought wrong.
  2. Push-ups
    • Despite the dispaly of total lack of strength, I'm very happy with those.
    • Somewhow squeezing my but helped my shoulders set in place and my elbows to track what I think was correctly. Video angle doesn't let me see exactly what was going on.
    • Something a bit odd happening with my shoulder as I press out of the bottom. My upper back seems to hunch over a bit more as I push. Head dropping? Shoulder blades winging?
      Can't quite see from this and no idea what's happening in mid exercise.
  3. Squats
    • Still rough, but better.
    • Happier with those than I have been in a while.

  • Ridiculously weak.
  • Still over thinking.
    My head is full of "stuff" while I'm training and it messes me up, almost like a panic attack. Occasionally I touch on just being in the moment. If I could hold onto that training would be almost meditation.

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