Friday, 12 October 2012

Almost like a WOD

But punier.
Row 500m
Walk 0.4 whatever treadmill uses
Leg and arm swings
Monster walks, forward, back, sideways - thin purple band
External rotator band series - red and thin purple bands

3 Rounds
10 x banded air squats - 12" box - thin purple band
10 ring rows
10 Girly push-ups
10 Abmat frog sit-ups
10 banded good mornings, thick purple band

70kg Deadlifts
25kg Press

Rushed it a bit because Lynette texted that her train would be arriving shortly. Need to get moving faster once I get home. I have enough time to get the WOD done, I just can't fluff around after I get home or I'll have to cut things short.

Left hip and knee a bit icky now and right shoulder isn't great.
Need to keep those moving tomorrow so they don't seize up. Damn I hate having to wrap myself in cotton wool to stop getting injured.

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