Monday, 26 March 2012

I don't know what that was about

Call it an experiment in posture
AMRAP whatever
5 x 20kg hang muscle snatch
5 x 20kg 20" box squats <- This is what I was really wanting to try
10 x 20kg good mornings

When I get my spine lined up, lose the excessive lordotic curve, stretch my back up and long (it's my imagery, butt out) my shoulders roll back into beautiful external rotation and I can squat to a 20" box that way. Perfectly, or at least as far as my shoulders go.
I guess I'll try to go lower one day, but if I could add weight, get up to using 40kg to a 20" box and have my shoulders feel like that I'm not sure I'll ever care about full depth OHS.
That was sooo much better than my shoulders normally feel with the bar overhead.

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