Thursday, 13 January 2011

Deadlifts, squats and jerks

Not a great strength day
2 x 137.5kg
10 x 105kg

Not much to say. Still struggling to muster as much energy for the lifts as when I was on holiday. Really should have stretched my back last night and this morning as I had planned. Uncurling just before lifting doesn't achieve as much if I haven't.

20 squats
5 x 50kg push-jerks

1 1:57
2 2:05
3 1:53
4 1:53
5 2:21

Squats were slow, but I had my knees rotating out nicely most of the way through.
Push jerks were OK, it was resting the bar in the rack that was hard. And of course because it was hard I sat there waiting for it to get not hard before I jerked the weight, which was the easy bit.
Ive seen it in writing that I'm intelligent, where does that go when I'm training?

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