Monday, 20 December 2010

Squats and run and pull-ups and on the fly scaling

Squats were pulled at 2 x 80kg.
My shoulder and wrist were giving me a hard time and I couldn't sit back enough in the video. When I look at it on the PC though there was something very odd going on. My feet are in line with the camera, but my right knee comes way further forward than my left does.
I can't figure out whether that means my right leg carried most of the weight and I swayed to one side, or if I twisted in the squat. In the past I'd suspect a squat as I used to helicopter very badly. If that's what I was doing I'm glad I stopped.

Went on to:
8 x 30kg HPS, dropped to 15 x 20kg for the next 2 rounds
15 band assist pull-ups


Just not a good day overall.
I don't want to ruin my shoulders in the first workout of the holidays and I was pressing that out with major internally rotated shoulders in that first round. Trying very hard to learn to support and press a bar with externally rotated shoulders. I can do it, and it feels completely different, like the weight disappears, but I can't break the habits of rolling my shoulders forward. That's my project for this Christmas, see how much progress I can make toward that. If I can lock it in my shoulders may start talking to me again.

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