Monday, 22 March 2010

If you squint it might be mistaken for gymnastics

I forgot to start the watch but it's irrelevant because although there was lots of sweating and puffing and some cursing, it was from fear rather than intensity.

Scaled on the fly when my planned manoeuvres proved beyond me.

3RNFT as it turned out
5 handstand kick-ups against the wall, touch butt to wall and then back down.
10 body rows, feet on a 12" box

I was hoping for at least partial straddle presses to handstands, but getting my butt against the wall was too scary for a start and I lack almost completely the core strength to stabilise my midline  while my feet come away from the wall.

After I finished and had been getting my butt against the wall reasonably comfortably I set myself up in that position and got calm, then drifted my feet out from the wall and back again about 9 times to prove I could do it. Didn't try for the straddle, which would probably have been easier, but anyhoo.

Ice-cream makers, or more accurately wild thrashing around while hanging off a pull-up bar.

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