Tuesday, 30 March 2010


I thought I try a mid-week batch using a shortened version of the process I had such success with last time.
See modified steps below.

It was a failure.

The flavour of the vinegar didn't penetrate and the meat wound up being effectively cooked, a little like well done steak.

The experimental process was:
  1. Salt the beef
    Salted at 1900.
  2. Let it sit for a couple of hours.
    Until 2045
  3. Wash the salt off with vinegar and worcester sauce.
    Still used the worcester sauce.
  4. Apply the spices.
    Both coriander and black pepper.
  5. Let it sit for a few hours.
    Didn't do this so I could get it in the dehydrator overnight.
    Until I come across some other factor that overrides the result of this experiment this, this step is going back in.
  6. Cut it into strips.
    As written
  7. Dry it in the dehydrator.
    I did not have time to do the two stage drying process so set the dehydrator on max and went to bed.
    Marking that as a serious fail right  now. Good thing it was a  smaller batch so I won't have to eat too much of the overcooked result.

So next time the two stage drying is back as is letting it rest after washing the salt off.

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