Thursday, 11 February 2010

Well (some of) that went better than I expected!

Sumo Deadlifts
10 x 60kg
10 x 65kg
10 x 70kg
Somewhere about rep 3 of the second set someone turned the gravity down, or I hit my groove, because the bar just started popping up. Still popped for set 3 until the end when my spinal erectors got a little tired.
I'm pretty sure the pop was my hamstrings waking up and helping. Until then I'd been feeling my quads and my dodgy left knee had been wobbling about and collapsing a little. Once the hamstrings got into it, "What dodgy left knee?".
I would like very much for this to continue. NB hamstrings, your contribution is greatly valued.

60kg deadlift (switched to conventional to spare my legs from the knurling)
HSPU piked with feet on a 20" box


The 21 round of deadlifts was a doddle.
Gravity turned back up for the 15 rep round but still OK.
Just puffed through the 9s.

Not fast enough and too light really, but good clean fun.

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