Monday, 26 January 2009

The power of CrossFit kids

Today I used cues and techniques learned at the CrossFit Kids cert to teach one of Lynette's nieces squats, front squats, presses, thrusters and burpees in the weekend. It took about 20 minutes.

I was just going to show her squats, but she kept asking for more so we kept going. Her squats went from basically awful to nearly perfect faster than I would have believed.

Will she remember all I showed her? Probably not, but she'll retain a bit and we'll work on reviewing and reinforcing it, which the certs also cover

Jeff and the team at CF Kids HQ are geniuses.
And if you coach kids and don't go to one of their certs you're an idiot. They're that good.

It was so cool to see a kid transform her technique and I got to help. I guess Jeff and Mikki and Cyndi get to see that all the time. I envy them

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