Friday, 20 June 2008

Situp chipper 080616

For time:
50 Sit-ups
50 Double-unders
50 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Sit-ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit-ups

Except for the double-unders; I did 200 single unders instead instead. Tuck jumps still bother my knees and I figure it's really only a lack of familiarity with jump rope that's stopping me from getting double unders.

A hardly staggering 28:53.

I think I'm ready to do single DUs LauraR style now and work on linking a few together. Maybe mix and match with 4:1 single unders as well.

Overall it wasn't too hard as I didn't rush at it, just concentrated on keeping moving the whole time.
That stumbled slightly during the burpees. They were a bit of a struggle and there were a few lack of character breaks I'm afraid.

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