Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Overhead and Front squats 080615

Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Didn't do Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps


I have no idea where that came from!
I think a very nasty 30kg for reps is all I've done before. I actually had more trouble cleaning it than I did squatting it. The overhead position was stable. I had a bit left, but I was starting to have problems with my upper back not staying tight toward the end.

I've been practising walking around carrying a 20kg plate overhead to get my midline more stable in this position. Walking up and down the driveway, up and over a 12" plyo box, turning corners etc. I guess that contributed to solving the instability issues I used to have, or at least moved the threshold for when it happens up a notch or 3.

I'm genuinely shocked and very pleased.

62.5kg PR
65kg PR

Biggest FS ever. I've tripled 60kg not long ago, so 65kg was on the cards. Even so this was tighter and stronger than the triple by a long way.

I really struggled to power clean the weight though. I think my arms must still be tired from walking 3km carrying 30kg ish of groceries on Sunday. Which says some embarrassing things about what I'm using to get the bar moving in my cleans.

Re the running and walk; My arches are very sore. My achilles is fine, my calves are tight but not drastically so. My ankles feel OK. I'm not getting all cocky just yet, but I might be past the injury. Yay! (cautiously)

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