Sunday, 11 May 2008

Fran 080510

9x5 version
30kg thrusters


I chose the 9x5 as that's roughly where my pull-ups break when I'm fresh.

Thrusters were light because since I injured my back I've found my mastery of basic squat movements is non-existent. I wasn't keen on even doing them as I'm only just beginning to work back into slow back squats after finally getting the butt-wink out of my air squats. It still takes an enormous amount of conscious control to keep the curve in my lower back with air squats and I can only just do it with 20kg back squats, so I don't see me as ready for thrusters at speed yet. Not that there was much speed! LOL

Pull-ups were a surprise. Sets of 3 and 2 for about half the rounds. Kipping well, but not continuously, so each one started from a dead-hang, but I didn't need to get off the bar for each rep. Previously kipping pull-ups were singles with my feet having to go down to reset my grip on the stupid rafter. With that getting stronger I can maybe(?) work in the push away and get a rhythm going. Maybe

I don't believe I will ever break 5 minutes for this.

Lynette did:
40kg deadlift
HSPU piked on knees

Only the 12rep HSPUs were broken.
Her deadlift is good, the weight was very conservative for her, but she's not practised the movement and I didn't want to overload her first time out of the gate.

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