Friday, 16 May 2008

Deadlifts 080514 and a bit of kipping practise

5 x 60kg
5 x 100kg
5 x 105kg
5 x 80kg
5 x 80kg
5 x 80kg

105 is the most I've lifted since I started Crossfit. It's still 35kg under my PB, but these days I'd rather improve my Fran time or get a muscle-up or HSPU than exceed that. If I can get to handling 120 for 10 I'll be happy to stick there.

At lunch time I got 5 kipping pullups in a row.

I brought lunch in, so I walked down to a park about 800m away from work that has the only playground I've found with bars high enough for me to hang from. Do they think these things are for kids or something?
Tried 3 or 4 sets and couldn't get everything to come together. On the last one I sort of forgot about concentrating on everything so much and got the 5.

My PB is 9, so it's not a record yet, but that was a oncer I've never repeated.
This time I wasn't kipping really strongly. I'll do this again and as the technique and timing settles in I'll get more swing into it, more push from the top and a stronger hip turnover.

I'm pleased about getting closer to cracking it, but finding that I can fit this in at lunch time if I eat lunch at my desk is really cool. Even if I don't get it now I will at some stage.

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