Friday, 22 February 2008

I'm going to America!

Well was today a cool day!

Laura's birthday package arrived and she loved the sculptures. She showed phenomenal willpower and only ate one candy bar, at work. The quantity consumed at home is yet to be revealed. I'd have made myself sick, I'm a total sugar junkie.

HQ FINALLY posted the July CF kids cert on the main page and I paid my deposit.

I'm going to America!
I'm going to meet everyone at Brand X!

Anita (Firmdancer) is going too, so there'll be a mini satellite BrandXer meeting going on. Small number of delegates, but very enthusiastic. Until the first workout, LOL.

Any others able to make it?

I'm waiting for the Level 1 cert on the previous 2 days to be posted so I can book that too. I have my home machine monitoring the HQ page very minute and emailing me if the events posted change. I'll get a machine at work doing it too on Monday. I will NOT miss that cert if I can posssibly help it.

Anita's plan is the same as mine, to spend some extra time at BrandX and get some help from Jeff and the other trainers. In my case I'm thinking of a week before and at least a few days after the certs. Lynette is coming with me, which is really cool. I want her to try Crossfit at BrandX so she can learn it properly and safely and so I can see how people are supposed to be started. I won't get that with what they teach me, they'll be trying to break all of my bad habits.
I want to see how BrandX operate their business so I can see if it's something I might be able to do. I don't see how I could right now, but it's a dream. And to be able to teach kids! That would just be the best thing in the world!

I also emailed Brian, "the pose running guy" from Crossfit Newport Beach and he said to give him a yell when we get stateside and we'll see what we can do to sort out my crappy running. I hope I can fit that in, because without help, I'm going to keep wrecking my knees (heel striking) and/or my achilles (over-pushing) every time I run. I think the Pose method could work extremely well for me if I can learn it.

I also hope to make the pilgrimage to Santa Cruz and see Brendan and Shari and Annie and Zac and of course, Eva. Eva poses a problem though. I want to learn as much as I can from her, but I'll have such a limited time and she's so incredibly beautiful I'll probably spend all my time drooling. At least the beard makes that less obvious. If I can get past that she has a huge amount of knowledge about Crossfit that I'd love to tap into, she's been doing it since before it was called Crossfit.

So many things I want to do. So many people I want to meet (won't get time for Coach Burgener at all dammit!) and say hello and/or thank-you to. So many things I want to learn. So little time can I afford.

Time for the chorus:
I'm going to America!
I'm going to meet everyone at Brand X!

I'm so excited I'm practically incontinent!


TexasPatrick said...

Brilliant friend, just brilliant.

I know you've been stateside before, where exactly? Have you been to California?

(And you oughta hit up a wal-mart, regardless of what the bien pensants have to say about it. :-) )

Craig Massey said...

The last trip was mainly focussed on seeing as much southwestern silver and turqoise work as possible, so it went:
Train through Salt Lake City, Vegas, the Rockies (no stopovers, nose pressed to window) to Denver.
Stay with friends of a friend in Ft. Collins
Work flew me to Portland and back to Denver
Bus to New Mexico
Drive around
Bus to Arizona
Drive around
Fly to LA
Disneyland, well, you have to.
Golds gym at venice. Got the T-shirt. I was in my bodybuilding phase.

I didn't get to Southern California that time

We'll visit Walmart and Costco and lots of the other big shops. We have some of them here now, even NZ catches up eventually, but not on the scale you have there.
Lynette and I love wandering through supermarkets and seeing all the different products that we don't have at home. I guess it's an odd sort of tourist activity, but it's interesting, really.
Of course we've only done in that in Australia so far, so your supermarkets offer far more scope for interesting, if sugar and preservative laden, finds.

FirmDancer said...

Oh god - I forgot about the workouts... I was only thinking of the CF Kids Cert - you know, sitting in a chair, listening, taking notes. I shall be shamed and humiliated! Five months to get in shape.

Craig Massey said...

I think they have us playing some of the CF kids games. I hope so, they look like fun!

I'm worried about the fact that it will be too hot to wear anything long and I'll be sitting there having come from mid-NZ winter displaying my luminous white legs.

Anyone taking photographs will need an anti-glare filter.