Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Walking Lunges 071216

Walking lunges 100m (I think)
Time; 3:03. Steps; goodness knows, I was in survival mode about 50m in.

Buttercups, do buttercups. If there's a scaling less than buttercups, do that.

I went to the running track and I need to look at what markings mean what on a track, there were white lines all over the show. Unless it's smaller than regulation I'm pretty sure I did 100m with springy young people bouncily practising their sprinting past me.

Then I went to the supermarket. Oy vay!
Next time I don't care what the neighbours say, I'm doing this in the neighbourhood and setting up so I finish at home. Getting in and out of a car is not fun after that sucker.

I'm going to need a butt brace tomorrow. No, I don't know if they make them, but someone should. There'll be a market for one at my house tomorrow morning.

My hat is completely off to the people who made it through the whole 400m.

Now can someone pass me my hat, it's over there, I'd get it but I can't make it out of this chair.

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