Friday, 9 November 2007

Front Squats

BackSquat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Did front squats instead of back squats and triples instead of singles. I'm not stupid enough to think that two light workouts a week apart has me ready for heavy squats.

Front Squats:
7 x 3 x 40kg
And as I was holding the bar, I also did
Shoulder Presses:
7 x 3 x 40kg
in between and put the battery back in my step-son's car and shuffled the vehicles around to make room for marauding in-laws this weekend.

I don't know if it's embarrassing or funny that the presses were easier than the squats. Mostly I think, it just is.

I always was a rotten squatter. Rolling Eyes

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