Sunday, 2 September 2007


CFT is out, I don't have squat racks.

So I did a scaled down Isabel because I need all the Olympic lifting practise I can get.

30 Snatches 30kg


8 minutes slower than last time, but this time I had some weight on the bar and technique came into it. Much less opportunity to muscle out of it.
I probably did closer to 45 reps through missed lifts and high catches, which I didn't count.
Cue for the day was "elbows high and outside", which I managed to hit for about 20% of the reps and those were the ones I was really happy with.
Still catching forward a bit, several drops there. One major dump backwards, really messed that one up.

Kempie, I would have killed for some of those plywood disks you mentioned. I think part of my catching it forward is because I'm pulling from a very low starting position with the smaller weights and I don't wait until my legs straighten before I start to extend my hips, so I swing the weight forward past my rather protruding knees.

I still agree with something I remember Jeff Everson saying years ago, when you get a snatch right, it's one of the most beautiful feelings in the world.

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