Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Diane 070917

70kg Deadlift
HSPU to 8" of phone books/Finishing reps with 12kg dumbbell presses


HSPUs/dbell presses were

Ah, umm, bother! I was supposed to double the reps if I did presses!
Gosh, what a jolly nuisance!
See, being good BBOJ. Definitely not what I'm saying on my side of the keyboard!


kempie said...

Metric, just browsed your results and saw that while increasing the deads by 25kg, you have only added a few minutes to your time. Only you will know how your 8" HSPU's compared to last time but now you have an objective benchmark for next time.

How were the deads broken up?

Cheers, kempie

Craig Massey said...

The HSPUs were definitely better than last time. Formerly my HSPUs weren't much better than a static handstand with a terrified twitch toward the ground. As you say, now I have an objective measure.

I'm afraid I can't remember exactly how the deadlifts were broken. I need to get better at recording that.
It was something like:
I caught myself letting my back bend a few times and stopped at the points I couldn't control that. I can definitely break less than that when I get used to maintaining my focus for longer.
As rx'ed for the deadlifts is in my sights for sure, they're starting to come back to me. One really cool thing is being able to use 60kg as a first warm-up again, no more fiddling around with all the little plates.
HSPUs on the other hand are going to take a long time to sort out. I've never been a strong presser and adding in myriad of issues resulting from being upside down, they're quite a handful. I had hoped to get one full head to ground and back up HSPU by the end of this year, but I can't see that happening. I'll be happy if I can lose a phone book from the stack.

Overall I'm very pleased with this, miscounted d.bell presses aside. My last attempt at this was something of a sighting shot, this one was at least on the target, even if not in the black