Sunday, 15 July 2007


Puppies, + a little bit:
For time:
15 Walking lunge steps
12 Pull-ups - 6 dead-hang/kipping, 6 jumping
25 Box jumps, 2 back steps down to the laundry, about 20", plus some horizontal component. Jump up, step down
14 Double-unders - 11 the "LauraR" method, then on the last one of the 12 I was supposed to do I popped out 3 without stopping. LauraR method works to learn the rhythm! Yay!
15 Ring dips - 6 dead-hang, 9 seated/beginners
20 Knees to elbows
15 Kettlebell swings - 22kg
30 Sit-ups
12 Hang squat cleans, 12kg dumbells
12 Back extensions
15 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 beginner rope climbs


Tried to keep a moderate, even pace as several of the exercise were new to me.
I don't think my Knees to elbows were very tidy. Crying or Very sad Unfortunately I'm on the wrong side of my corneas to be able to tell. Another session with the video camera called for. Sigh.

Wallballs were a doddle after the thrusters, cleans and snatches recently.

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