Wednesday, 7 May 2014

2014-05-07 - Craig - Deadlifts, Good Mornings

Sumo Deadlift
3 x 7
Good mornings
2 x 5

Sumo Deadlift
3 x 7 x 20kg
Good mornings
2 x 5 x 20kg

  1. Sumo deadlift
    • I'm sorry, I forgot all your cues aside from "line up the flat of your shins against the bar" and "rotate your shoulders outwards". I'm going to go over the with Lynette and pull them all together.
    • Having  said that, the rotate your shoulders thing was surprising. With an overhand grip my left elbow pit faces completely forward now, way cool! Right is still tight, but better than it was. Yay for banded rotator cuff work.
  2. Good mornings
    • Same faults as in the deadlifts, not really tight through the movement.
    • Happier for having worked with you that my hips are staying even. They still feel off, hard for them to be too bad with the sumo stance. Positively brilliant idea you had there.

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