Sunday, 23 September 2012

Well I know what the problem was

Nothing wrong with technique or the non-existent programming.
The day after the last post we were out 'n about and my hips, legs and lower back felt heavy. Not sore, not really achy although there was a bit of that. More a combination of tight, numb and heavy. I couldn't figure out what was wrong and was getting worried that I'd popped a disk again and this was a form of nerve impingement. So we did our stuff that, being Auckland, included wandering through fairly heavy rain for a mile or so to get back to where we'd had to park the car, then not getting home to get changed for 3 or 4 more hours.

Next day I woke up with with a sniffle an inflamed sinuses and by days end out was down an out. And stayed that way for the rest of the week and most of this week.

It's almost passed now thank goodness and while my hips and hamstrings have a strength approximating custard, I can get them to fire if I concentrate hard. So should be able to get back on track again.

Which is a huge relief.

And I don't know where I found it, but I came across someone linking this video which wonderfully illustrates the hip hinge style of KB swing. I've been pursuing this as a tool to get my posterior chain switched on and this is a great example to aim for.

Melanie has a site and YouTube channel with some quite good tutorials, eg although this video, not from her site or channel, is probably the best of her with a perfect hip hinge swing.

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