Sunday, 6 February 2011

Back Squats and Litvinovs, sorta

3 x 85kg

OK, sitting back a bit, feeling it more in my quads than anywhere though.
Tried wider hands again and this time it was better, go figure. I watched the Westside speed squats the other day on the CF Journal video and all the lifters there had a very wide grip and pushed their elbows back a great deal so I tried that. I really don't know what's going on. I'll stick with this until it stops working again I guess.

Then 3RFT
8 x 60kg back squats
So sort of a litvinov protocol, except lighter, more reps and slower. OK it's nothing like it.

1 2:35
2 3:06
3 3:10

Playing with doing my high-rep set in the metcon . I did it to save time on Thursday and my hamstrings are still lit up, thought I'd see how it went with squats. Probably too taxing on my recovery for long term use.

Runs felt OK, foot falls were lighter than they have been.
Squats felt pretty good. Hamstrings were working and knees stayed out most of the time. Not easy to do after running as I expected, but not as hard either. Which is because I wasn't pushing myself on the runs I'd say.

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