Monday, 13 December 2010

Back Squats

3 x 85kg CrossFit PB
12 x 60kg

Well, no-one's going to use them as a textbook example of squat technique, but they're not a disaster. The second rep of that 60kg set was exactly how I wanted all of them to look and then I reset my feet and lost it. :-)
A bit tight in the shoulders from the KTE yesterday and that meant sore wrists.
I got some reps with a good push back into the bar instead of caving forward and winching it up with my lower back. It feels "harder" that way, but not really, and yes I know that doesn't make sense. It's not how I usually squat so it feels awkward right now. Given time though I can see it's the way to a much bigger and better squat.

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