Sunday, 11 April 2010


Using this post to keep a record of what will hopefuly be my baseline for experimentation:

  1. Salt the beef
    Salted at 0915
  2. Let it sit for a couple of hours.
    Until; 1115
  3. Wash the salt off with vinegar and worcester sauce.
    1 cup of DYC cider vinegar, 0.25 cup whitlocks worcester sauce
  4. Apply the spices.
    Both coriander and black pepper.
  5. Let it sit for a few hours.
    Until; 1700
  6. Cut it into strips.
    As written.
  7. Dry it in the dehydrator.
    In on 3 at: 1720
    Down to 1 at: 2214. After playing at the Session in town. So good be making music again!
  8. Out of the dehydrator
    At: Some out at 0630, but the bulk was cut into quite big slabs and that needs more time. I've set it going while I go to work, but I'm not sure that won't be too long.
    The rest off at 1800. Texture seems about right. Maybe I started it on 3 and dropped it to 2 last time?
Something was a little off. Not quite as salty as last time.
Quite edible though.

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