Monday, 26 October 2009

Video failure

10 x 30kg HPC and overhead
3 Rounds
3 pull-ups
6 push-ups
9 squats


My video camera seems to have died, or at least is extremely unwell. I watched 7 minutes of the workout and the warm-up.

HPC were too much shoulder and arms, almost no leg and I received the bar with my hips forward most of the time. Presses/Jerks were not locking out solidly and too many jerks had my hips forward again dammit. At least I know why I keep hurting my back on heavy push-jerks.

Pull-ups were the best of the workout.
Push-ups were just bloody hard. I have real issues keeping my core tight (which showed on the presses and cleans too) and I did several reps over for lack of ROM. Just never going to be good at these.
Squats; not a disaster. I let my chest drop too often and I wasn't sinking my hips. Knees stayed out and I initiated the movement with my hips. Hamstrings were engaged to some degree, but I need to bring them in much much more. That's a big part of why my chest drops and knees travel forward a bit too much. Buns of steel, need buns of steel. :-)

3 Kick ups to supported handstand
6 (I have no idea actually, a whole bunch trying to get them right, but 6 was the intention) "hollow-rocks". More like U shaped bumping back and forth.

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