Saturday, 22 August 2009

Meeting at CFNZ

Darren and Tamaryn organised a meeting of trainers at CFNZ to explain the formal process they're putting in place to intern trainers.
The system is very good and nicely thought through. They have some nice documents drawn up that outline the graduated process they'll be implementing.

The problem for me comes from the requirement that CFNZ trainers train at CFNZ at least twice a week. It's free, so no financial outlay, but I really don't see how I can make it. To honour my commitments to work, my family, other organisations and my interests outside of CF I can only give up so many nights a week. For example if I train at home I can take my turn at cooking dinner and fix computers, work on websites for other people etc. It's just a matter of walking out the back door to the shed to use the equipment and I can check on the progress of a PC rebuild between warm-up and workout.
I could still coach at CFNZ, which was my plan when I locked in 2 nights to coach as a fixed schedule. I'd decided I would train at home when I could and put becoming a better coach as priority. I was prepared to set my training aside to pursue that. Now I don't have that option so I have to see if I can make it work. I don't know that I can. A lot to think about.

I walked to the train, then from the train station to CFNZ, 30 minutes and 20 minutes respectively, then after the meeting walked back to the train station to catch the train to meet Lynette at Sylvia park. I pretty much collapsed at eh Panmure train station and was a wreck for the rest of the weekend, dragging myself around.

The cold/'flu has really left me little in way of reserves. I can see it's going to be a long road back from this thing. I don't feel week, but I have no stamina at all.

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