Tuesday, 31 March 2009

FGB Follow-up

I must have done something right.

My knees aren’t any worse this morning than yesterday, so I must have managed to cling to half pie decent squat form during the wallballs after all.

My elbows aren’t feeling like I hyperextended them with the Push Presses.

My butt and hamstrings are sore and my quads aren’t. That is almost unprecedented after a squatting movement for me so maybe the hotel room squat practise sessions that messed up my knees were of some value after all.

I suspect most of my knee pain is muscles working in patterns that they not used to and pulling my kneecaps into places they shouldn’t be. Stretching, massage and practise of the movements will (hopefully) sort that out. Now I just have to do them.


DougK said...

"half pie decent"...not heard this description before. (Pie?) Maybe its kiwi??

I've heard of half-assed,half-hearted, and half-baked, but never half pie.

Come to think of it, none of the others make much sense. (Well, half-baked makes some sense...)

Craig Massey said...

Maybe it is a kiwi thing.
Like all of those things it's something I've heard for so long I didn't know other people hadn't heard it.

Well, well!
A little googling and apparently it is a kiwi thing! The maori word/term for "good" is "kapai", pronounced "kah pie", or just "pai" (although I've never hear the second version on its own). So half pie is an anglicised mongrel version of "half good".
Who knew!