Thursday, 8 January 2009

Andrea's an author

I got a PM from Andrea Nitz (aka Marla Singer of CrossFitBrandX forum fame) this evening saying that an article titled "High Performance Pregnancy" she wrote for the CrossFit Journal on training for pregnant women had been published.
I subscribe to the journal of course (doesn't everyone?), but I confess I hadn't been following the articles posted since it switched to a completely on-line publishing format. I'd watched some of the videos, but hadn't looked at the articles. Upshot was, I missed Andrea's article.

My loss.

Andrea operates her own CrossFit affiliate specialising in training pre and post-partum women using CrossFit methodology. Well what else would you use? That means mothers to be and new mums for those of us who know next to nothing about this stuff, i.e. blokes. The site is at and it's interesting reading even if you or your significant other is not in the family way.

Andrea did a great job with the article. It's well written, informative and written in plain english. Surprisingly for anyone who knows me, I also appreciate that it isn't rabidly pushing CrossFit on pregnant women. It's pushing exercise for pregnant women, with CrossFit as the not so subtly suggested preferred option.

Great job Andrea.

Can I have your autograph now that you're all famous and all?

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