Saturday, 15 November 2008

Nichole's WOD

At Lynette's training studio, it's too small to be called a globo gym

3 Hill runs (I'd call them hill sprints, but I'm being honest)
About as steep as the BrandX hill, but 2-3 times as long

Nichole's WOD
10 x D.bell push press
20 x D.bell
HPC 30 x D.bell deadlift

12.5kg dumbbells.

About 12 minutes.

The presses were OK. the HPC were a forearm killer and the deadlifts were a little too easy at that weight.

The place is so small that if I used a bar for the whole thing I'd block 2 or 3 people training. They just got a power cage though, so I can see a few back squat workouts taking place there until I get squat stands sorted.

Cash-out 30 KTE

Nice to be able to do something again. I'm going to hurt (even more) tomorrow. Fun.

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