Saturday, 30 August 2008

300m, push jerks - Brand X workout

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3 rounds
Bear Crawl 4 x 25m - up and down the driveway. In the daylight this time, with the neighbours watching. You are not a nice man Mr. Martin!
3-5 Handstand Push ups - Progression - Bridged with feet on a 25" box

7 rounds
Run about 150M
sprint back /about 150M
7 Push Jerks, 50kg

Time to beat 14:35 cap at 20 minutes scale weight to beat cap
Cash out:
15 Inverted hangs to lever attempts

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Hit the cap with 4 jerks to go. Sod it!
Tried to obey GD's rule, "There must be a noticeable difference in speed between the run out and the run back". There was, but only because the "run" out was a trot and the "run" back was a fast stumble.
There was certainly an increase in the amount of noise my feet made slapping on the footpath on the way back! I think I used most of my energy generating the noise.

Aggravated a sprain/strain I've been nursing in my side in about round 4 of the push jerks. Staying tight kept it under control after that, but it's gonna hurt tomorrow. Sigh, back to practising waiters walks to strengthen it all up again. That'll teach me for stopping.

Cash out:
No place to do them just yet.

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