Friday, 23 May 2008

Clean & Jerk and Rows 080518

GD scared me so much I avoided Fridays WOD and did

21 burpees
Unbelievably the burpees were the easy part.

15 x 30kg clean & jerk
500m row

3 rounds + 4 C&Js.

That was horribly hard.

The cleans were fair to middling. Several were power cleans so I tacked a front squat on.
The jerks were, well they weren't jerks and I don't know what they were. "Uncoordinated waving of a 30kg barbell approximately overhead" is certainly accurate if not terse.

The rows got slower and slower and then even slower.
If BBoJ rows slower than that then she must be blowing herself back and forth. Certainly my desperate inhalations and heaving exhalations were definitley all that were moving me back and forth. The legs were not in any position to be contributing.

I can actually say with complete honesty, Yay burpees!

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