Friday, 19 October 2007


I'm hoping I've mended enough to get back into it.
To test that I took it very easy and did a couple things I was pretty sure wouldn't put my shoulder back into spasm or aggravate the achilles tendon injury. Frigging running.

I did:
Row and wallball to warm up.
Walk 800m

5 rounds of:
10 x 60kg deadlift
10 press-ups

8 minutes pretty much on the nose. I forgot to start the clock until I was about 3 reps in.

The deadlifts felt ridiculously light for a start. They got a bit heavier toward the end, but I could have done 10 sets of those easily.
The press-ups got a bit sloppy toward the end. I kept my shoulders tight, but my mid-section sagged a fair bit. I mean more than usual.

So we'll see if anything locks up overnight and tomorrow from that. I hope not. It felt good to be moving gain, even for a little effort like this.
Good to be back.

I hope I stay back!

1 comment:

kempie said...

Hey fella, been a long time since your Rehab workout - what's the story?

Cheers, kempie