Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Weird headache thing

Worked on my motorbike in the weekend. I fitted all of the parts I bought and while the exhaust leak is gone, the oil leak remains. Having had the engine open I can't see how on earth the oil is getting in to that part of the engine. What I thought was a flaw in the casting that allowed oil to work its way past the gasket turned out to be a carefully engineered drain channel to allow oil that got into that section drain out without letting water and muck get back in.
I'd take it to the shop to get it worked on, but I'm really worried that taking a bike in saying "it's leaking oil , make it stop" without having some idea how it's leaking is a great way to be without a lot of money. There's a a 2003 bike for sale in Christchurch right now and I'm worried I'm spending more on keeping things going than I would to get a much newer bike. One problem is that each thing I fix on the bike will probably never need touching again. The engine is very solid and simple, so repairs tend to take well and stay repaired.
I may have overfilled the oil slightly so I'll drain a bit and see if that helps and if not I'll run the engine, let it cool, get it apart and see if I can spot where the oil is getting into that part of the engine. It had been sitting for several weeks before I had it part this weekend and signs of dribbles and leaks may have cleared themselves up.
Anyway, for now the bike is off the road still and I'm chewing up gas and money driving to work.

The headache thing is puzzling. My legs were stiff from Friday's workout, but everything else was fine. I had a massage on Sunday and the guy did some reflexology stuff and found that my back was tight between the shoulderblades, much more so than I knew. Very early Monday morning I woke up with a headache/stiff neck and back that rapidly grew worse until I was in really bad pain. I took the day off work and slept as much as I could once I could and almost every part of my upper body that I had worked recently was aching. It was like the 'flu without any runny nose or fever. I'm still sore today and given that I don't know what's going on (did the massage release something?) I don't know if In should train tonight or when I should start back at all.

So I'm in the same boat as my bike, undiagnosed symptoms without a clear path to a fix.

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