Friday, 22 May 2009

Core work

I got to CFNZ early and did one of my usual warm-ups. Found my rowing is getting better, HSPU are not good and I'm not talking about my pullups until I get better than that.

25 x 16kg KB Swings
25 Sit-ups
25 x 20kg Good Mornings
25 KTE

26 minutes and change

I scaled that badly.
There was a 25 minute cap which I blew as I had only the KTE to go in the last round.

I should have dropped a round and maybe gone with a 24kg KB. I can handle the weight, it's how much time I would have sacrificed. If I were establishing a target time for the BX forum I would have guesstimated this one as an 18-20 minute workout for the Big Dawgs. I should have aimed better.

Darren pulled me up on the swings once, my chest is dropping too much. Now I know what it feels like done properly I can work on that. I had a long session on the foam roller at home and got a few serious clunks out of my back. I've been neglecting it and hunching over more and more. There's still at least one more big one to pop back in line before I can maintain a neutral spine position under load.
Situps were blah. Always are. If I'm going ot lose count that's where I do it.
Good mornings got faster as I went on and got a rhythm going. My hamstrings were twanging something chronic on the drive home.
KTE were KTE in name only after the first 5. Hanging knee raises would be more accurate.

The night knocked me around a fair bit, workouts with a lot of core work tend to. I was shaky for quite a while afterwards.

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