Thursday, 21 November 2013

Chicken coating

Season All
Cajun seasoning

Dip chicken in egg and cream mixture.
Dip in coating

2013-11-21 - Craig - Burpees, Sit-ups

3 rds
7 burpees
10 sit ups

Borrowed one of Lynette's
3 rds
7 burpees
10 abmat frog sit ups

  1. Burpees
    • Not happy with the way I have my head down after the jump to the bottom of the squat.
    • Otherwise fine.
  2. Sit-ups
    • Abs were cramping in the last round. That's new.
  • 'twas what it was.
  • Nice coaching from Lynette as she set up for her skill/strength work

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Bolognese sauce

1kg mince
1 can tomato puree
1 can tomato paste
1 beef stock cube
1 teaspoon sugar
mixed herbs
0.5 tsp minced garlic
swirl of masterfoods sweet chilli sauce

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

2013-11-19 - Craig - Skill/Strength - Pull-ups and ring rows

EMOM for 12
Pull ups

2 x 10 ring rows after

5 pull-ups, Green band

2 x 10 ring rows after

  • 5 was a bit ambitious. I made it and fairly comfortably, but had to reset most sets to get my shoulders back into the non-ouchy position.
  • Pull-ups break ring rows.

Monday, 18 November 2013

2013-11-18 - Craig - Step-ups, Burpees, Mountain climbers

AMRAP in 5:00
5 box step ups
5 burpees
10 mountain climbers

AMRAP in 5:00
5 x 16" box step ups
5 burpees
10 mountain climbers

  1. Step ups
    • Ignore the height I used in the video text, it was 16 inches.
    • That was a much better height. Perhaps a little too high as I got tired, but mostly my hips stayed where they should.
  2. Burpees
    • Hmm, tucking my elbows in a bit too much for my liking. Otherwise not a siaster formwise.
    • Pace however escapes me.
  3. Mountain climbers
    • They were a lot better in my warm-ups.
    • I was very happy with how I did pre-workout, post burpees though things got a bit sloppier.
  • Fran cough big time.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

2013-11-13 - Craig - Skill/Strength - Deadlifts

3 x 5

3 x 5 x 60kg


  • OK. Neither good or bad.
  • I'll video these and send them through even though they're not a WOD day. I need your feedback and I need the discipline of taking and watching the videos.
    I know I can get strong enough to do damage fairly quickly even lifting badly and I need to keep tabs on how I'm lifting even more than what I'm lifting.

Monday, 11 November 2013

2013-11-11 - Craig - Row, Squat

3 box air squats
Row 400
6 squats
Row 300
9 squats
Row 200
12 squats
Row 100
15 squats

Row 500m
3 x 20" box air squats
Row 400m
6 squats
Row 300
9 squats
Row 200
12 squats
Row 100
15 squats

  1. Row
    • A better pace than I expected, 1:45 to 1:53 at the slowest I think.
  2. Squats
    • Some of those weren't bad.
      Many of them were, but I'll take the good ones.
  • Proved I can count, or I can do other things.
    Not both.
  • Bear in mind this is after 3 days of walking around Wellington. More walking than I usually do in a month. My ankles are sore, but my butt is working.
    After a week of sitting things might not be so good.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

2013-11-07 - Craig - Skill/Strength - Slow eccentric press, Max push-ups

3 x 7
5 second eccentric

2 x max push up

3 x 7 x 20kg
5 second eccentric

2 x max push up

  1. Press
    • Definitely need to work on my internal rotators.
    • Faces were pulled.
  2. Push-ups
    • 12, 9
    • Don't like these. Have I mentioned that?

Monday, 4 November 2013

2013-11-04 - Craig - Front squats, Ring rows

Front squat
Ring row
Rest 3:00

20kg Front squat to 20" box
Ring row
Rest 3:00
  1. Front squat
    • Again, box squats not specified so guessed.
    • Too many things wrong to comment on.
    • Stupidly, the reps at the start where I fell backwards actually look better than the rest.
      Probably surprised myself by doing them properly for once.
    • Really not impressed with how curved my spine is.
  2. Ring row
    • Not my best work, but not bad.
  • One of those I really have trouble watching, those front squats are just ugly.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

2013-11-03 - Craig - Skill/Strength - Slow air squats, Walking lunges

Air squat
3 x 5
10 second eccentric

2 x 10 walking lunges

Air squat
3 x 5 to 20" box
10 second eccentric

2 x 10 walking lunges

  1. Air squats
    • You didn't state box squats so I went with everything being box squats lately and because I suck at anything else even worse.
    • 10 seconds is a long time to stretch what amounts to a quarter range squat.
      Struggled with that as much as anything.
    • Really noticed that I'm just not stable once I break at the hips.
      Very wobbly in that 10 seconds.
  2. Lunges
    • Pretty good.
      Left hip was much better than it was.

  • My left butt cheek cramped.
  • Piddly unweighted quarter squats and a few lunges in a skill day and my butt cramped.
    Must be onto something.