Friday, 28 December 2007


Craig 43yo 90+kg
Barbera lite

Fred/Samatha 10yo 40kg

Fred; "I thought you'd be beating me Craig"
Craig; (thinking) "Leave me alone" (or approximate equivalent); (saying) "That's because I'm old and I'm helping you and I have to do twice as many as you"

Why didn't I do Barbie. What a pratt!

Pull-ups. Mostly jumping.
Push-ups. Umm, "need attention"
Sit-ups. Burpees and squat thrusts are an ab workout, I realised this in rep 1 round 1.
Squats. Got a bit sloppy, but the best of all the exercises.

Glad I did it. I needed to find out how I'm fairing on the basics.

Fred's off riding her bike. I'm dying.

Thursday, 27 December 2007

Skill day

Kipping practise.
Pike push-ups, feet elevated to, how tall is the roof of a Honda accord?
Hang shrugs with PVC
OH squats with PVC

I don't think I'm going to get 10 kipping pull-ups or a head-to-ground HSPU by year end after all in light of today.
I'll still not going to list them as goals for next year just yet, miracles happen. But it looks like being a long shot right now.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

150 Burpees

For time:
40 Burpees
110 Squat thrusts
Jumping to the ceiling of the shed, 10 inches above max reach.

My shoulders and elbows are still a little off, but knees and hips should be OK.

40 Burpees - some questionable push-up form:
+ 110 Squat Thrusts - lots of questionable language:
Total 25:09

Technically changing to squat thrusts should have had a higher metabolic cost, but at the pace I wound up doing them, I don't think so!

I've only ever once done burpees before, so I'm interested to see where they get me in the next few days. My tight achilles was sore toward the end from not landing flat footed from the plank position consistently.
One hip is sore, I'm not quite sure what that's from, either the same jump forward or the low squat to get my hands on the ground.
I was very pleased that I was able to land flat-footed quite often and that I made it through 40 full burpees. The last time I hadn't long been started crossfitting and I just couldn't do the push-ups at all.
I also had a bit of a rhythm going when I was stringing two or more together. Not a Brendan G "dive at the ground and kick your legs back" rhythm, but something that hints of that

Aside from the problem areas I spoke of, my main limitation was straight lack of fitness, which is completely expected. I'll see how things hold together in the next couple of days and will spend some time on the foam roller I'm sure.

Wasn't sure if knee position is mandated. Should they be between your arms when you bend down and when you jump forward, or outside, or is it optional? I had them outside most of the time because it's bloody hard to get them to fit inside, which is what I suspect taxed my hip a bit. But the movement would be next to impossible for me to do flatfooted if I didn't.

Official demo shows Eva and Zach with knees outside on the recovery, inside or at the same distance on the down cycle. They put their hands down in front of their legs on the way down. so their knees are kind of butting into their elbows. At speed most people seem to bring their knees forward to the same width as their elbows and are either pushing off the ground as their knees come through where their elbows where, or land in the same position as they started, knees just brushing their elbows. I can do that if I'm not gasping for air.

Laura said:
Setting for the jump is important. It makes a difference on the back issue. so does using good pushup form through the thruster/press up combo.
Good point, thank-you.

In the video they said "flat back" just before the jump and I doubt I'm doing that. I'll need to take a video to check it out at some stage, but I can't see how I am at this stage.
I knew my push-ups were going to be ropey, I figured I'd see how they played out. I'm happy that I'm not disastrously out of touch with where I should be, but that flat back thing is going to take work.

4 y.o niece watched me for part of it, "Do more!", while I'm resting and heaving my lungs out, and showing me how it was supposed to be done.
Born coach, hate her already, or I would if she weren't so darn cute.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007


Struggling a bit this morning.

My legs feel only a little sore, but that could be the calm before the storm.

My elbows/triceps on the other hand are very bad. I can't bend my left arm more than 90degrees right now unless I have a very good reason to. I'm waiting for the paracetamol/ibuprofen cocktail I just took to kick in and until then I've bent my arm so I can use the keyboard and I've got it stuck on my desk so I don't have to move it any more.

That shoulder workout is vicious. I'm going to do it again when I'm short of time, and in much better shape. I want a re-match. But not right now.

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Walking Lunges 071216

Walking lunges 100m (I think)
Time; 3:03. Steps; goodness knows, I was in survival mode about 50m in.

Buttercups, do buttercups. If there's a scaling less than buttercups, do that.

I went to the running track and I need to look at what markings mean what on a track, there were white lines all over the show. Unless it's smaller than regulation I'm pretty sure I did 100m with springy young people bouncily practising their sprinting past me.

Then I went to the supermarket. Oy vay!
Next time I don't care what the neighbours say, I'm doing this in the neighbourhood and setting up so I finish at home. Getting in and out of a car is not fun after that sucker.

I'm going to need a butt brace tomorrow. No, I don't know if they make them, but someone should. There'll be a market for one at my house tomorrow morning.

My hat is completely off to the people who made it through the whole 400m.

Now can someone pass me my hat, it's over there, I'd get it but I can't make it out of this chair.


I no longer need ibuprofen and paracetamol to be able to contemplate living. Now I'm just using them to stop me from screaming when I move my arms.
And my elbows hurt. I think it's overdoing the effort to completely lock out the presses. I might back off from that a little and keep completely locked elbows for the certs or when I'm visiting an affiliate (ie when Jeff's watching). I don't keep them completely bent or anything, but there's a difference between locked rigid and straight and I think I went a bit far. I didn't notice before now because everything else hurt so much.
I had to peel a way a few layers of pain.

Monday, 17 December 2007


Two ibuprofen so far, more to come. My traps are out the other side of pumped, strung tight as piano wire, and about as bulky. I feel like I'm permanently shrugging.
I will be avoiding any workouts that involve a lot of overhead work for most of this week.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Metric's shoulder mix-up

A workout I adapted from Friday's HQ WOD up because I'm not confident of going for heavy overhead lifts yet.

3 rounds, I guess for time, but more for being able to look myself in the mirror and not see a lazy wuss;
25 x 20kg press
15 x 20kg push press
5 x 20kg push jerks


Cooled down with a 4 minute row that would definitely knock BBoJ off her "worlds slowest rower" throne, then a walk around the block, about a mile.

By the end I was definitely jumping/floating the bar up because my shoulder's weren't capable of contributing much of anything except notifications they were in pain.
I'm probably going to regret this tomorrow. Just checked, I have plenty of ibuprofen for the headaches when my traps recover enough to start tightening up.

Fun. Very Happy

Friday, 14 December 2007


Well that was a dead loss of a workout.

I just finished warming up (mini CFWU with rowing in each round) and I was coming inside to wash some sweat off and my Mum rang.

Whatever time later I'm all cooled down and I need to clean the kitchen floor up where I dripped all over it.

I'll do a whole workout on Sunday. The way my legs feel though, and considering how little I've done lately, the warm-up may have been enough for a start. I wasn't sure I could even get my body to assume any position other than the shape of my office chair that I've been attached to for the last month. It can, just.

I know, pretty pathetic. I'm never going to survive a cert at this rate. ;-)